Thursday, March 11, 2010

Review: Love to eat (Home made food)

Jarabtooh men gabel?

etha ma jarabtooh lel7een, lazim ejarboonah soon


Love to eat is simply YUMMY!

I've try almost everything in their menu, bcz leman ekoon 3indy yam3a ma afaker a6lob men mokan ela Love to eat. Because they offer light snacks, salads, main dishes and desserts. so whatever your occasion you will find all that you need in their menu.

My favorites are:

Oriental Salad 

Tabouleh Basket

Turtle cake

Definitely keep Love to eat on your food list

Contact #: 99088301

via Love to eat


  1. i havent heard of them ...sounds nice u have their menu? Tabouleh Basket looks super delish!

  2. BNDQ8 yeah their food is delicious, they currently don't have a menu only on facebook, give it a try :)
